
Mini bypass gástrico

$6,000 USD

Dr. Fernando García Govea


Procedimiento en el que se crea un estómago pequeño mediante una engrapadora endoscópica, permitiendo comer solo porciones pequeñas de alimentos. Se conecta este estómago reducido con el intestino, excluyendo una parte del intestino del tránsito de alimentos.

x 24 meses
Hospital CER


Cirugía Bariátrica

Cédula profesional:


Cédula especialidad:




Certificado por el Consejo Mexicano de Cirugía General, A.C.


Kimberly Overstreet
Hospital CER
All the coordinators are hands down amazing! No issues for any part of my trip so far with TBC! I wish I could say the same for the hospital 😢
Nicolene Christi
Hospital CER
had the gastric sleeve at CER everything was above standard! the nurses, doctors, even the cleaning ladies were spot on..
Shonda Frazier Hortness
Hospital CER
I was treated by Dr. Fernando Garcia. I went in for the gastric sleeve. I stayed at the Florence Hospital and the Marriott hotel. The staff everywhere was absolutely excellent. Beginning with Martha who helped me get everything set up, the nutritionist, the follow up doctors, the nurses, and even the cleaning staff was amazing. I’m recovering well I’m only nine days out and so far everything is good. There’s always a few bumps in the road when you’re on a major diet change like this. Major Change is difficult for all of us. If you’re looking for a safe place that you can go and have gastric surgery these are definitely the folks you want on your team.
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